Uni Medoc
Michel Chaumont, owner of the château of 7 ha, had it from his father René. He died in 2010.
His wife Christiane and her daughter did not feel able to take over the family property. They decided to entrust the vineyard to Rémi Doret, another co-member of the wine co-operative LES VIGNERONS D'UNI-MEDOC, whose father was a very good friend of Michel Chaumont.
Because of their close friendship, Rémi Doret has hired Christiane Chaumont full- time to take care of the vineyard with him. Christiane’s daughter preferred to continue working the vine as an employee of a château located on the Terroir of Saint-Julien/Pauillac, since she had built her family life on this terroir.
The name of the château comes from the name of the place called Les Carrégades and located in the village of Bégadan.
Rémi Doret has his house right on this place, thus the history of the château continues in a "family" way, between friends having a very strong link.
Now, the harvests is still brought to the wine co-operative for a traced winemaking process.
Rémi Doret has been living on the place since 1988/1989, when he became a co- operative member for another château, which is marketed exclusively by the wine co-operative.
The vineyards of Château Les Carrégades thus continue to be in good local hands, knowing perfectly the Medoc Terroir and accompanied by the technical team of the co-op (oenologists, technicians …) to get the best out of the grapes.
Michel Chaumont, owner of the château of 7 ha, had it from his father René. He died in 2010.
His wife Christiane and her daughter did not feel able to take over the family property. They decided to entrust the vineyard to Rémi Doret, another co-member of the wine co-operative LES VIGNERONS D'UNI-MEDOC, whose father was a very good friend of Michel Chaumont.
Because of their close friendship, Rémi Doret has hired Christiane Chaumont full- time to take care of the vineyard with him. Christiane’s daughter preferred to continue working the vine as an employee of a château located on the Terroir of Saint-Julien/Pauillac, since she had built her family life on this terroir.
The name of the château comes from the name of the place called Les Carrégades and located in the village of Bégadan.
Rémi Doret has his house right on this place, thus the history of the château continues in a "family" way, between friends having a very strong link.
Now, the harvests is still brought to the wine co-operative for a traced winemaking process.
Rémi Doret has been living on the place since 1988/1989, when he became a co- operative member for another château, which is marketed exclusively by the wine co-operative.
The vineyards of Château Les Carrégades thus continue to be in good local hands, knowing perfectly the Medoc Terroir and accompanied by the technical team of the co-op (oenologists, technicians …) to get the best out of the grapes.