Venica & Venica
Our history began in Mernico, a tiny village of 30 people just 3 kilometers from Dolegna del Collio where great-grandfather Daniele was born on March 9th 1898. He was the 2nd male of 11 children in a big farming family. Daniele was born and raised as an Austrian but on the February 6th 1930 he bought a small house and a hill in Dolegna del Collio. A few months later he became father of Adelchi, the only male of 3 children. After the war the property was a farm where vines and fruit trees were grown together biologically. The farm sustained the family's needs first and the excess was sold to restaurants in Udine and Cividale. For years Daniele and Adelchi worked together buying and working abandoned vineyards, experimenting to find the perfect combinations of vine and vineyard and creating a peculiar mosaic of microclimates surrounded by forest. Adelchi then had two sons, Gianni and Giorgio. They continued the viticultural philosophy of their parents and decided to maintain the same respectful approach. In the last three decades they developed ways to express in the cellar that peculiar sense of site that our wines are able to communicate but -the last sentence was cut off on the site.